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Webinar: Ensuring accurate identification of SEN in school and college settings

  • Webcasts
  • 23 Sep 2022
WSS past event
Universal Services

This webinar recording supports you in developing effective systems and processes to enable the early and accurate identification of SEN in your setting.  

It offers strategies to enable you to use national SEND data to support identification systems in your own settings, and includes discussion on how the pandemic has impacted on the development of CYP, and consequently the identification of SEN in education settings.

This session supports both experienced and new SENCOs and others with this important aspect of the role, which is particularly challenging at the current time.


  1. To understand the key trends in identification on SEN in England
  2. To be able to ensure accurate identification of SEN in your setting
  3. To reflect on the impact of COVID / lockdown on cyp when identifying SEN in settings.

Desired Outcomes:

SENCOs and other members of staff will be better equipped to accurately identify SEN in their settings and report appropriately for the January census.

This activity has been funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and is available free on the condition that the participant agrees to complete a short evaluation form at the end of the activity and complete an online post-evaluation impact form that will be emailed to the participant approximately 3 months after the event.

Evaluation provided will help the Universal Services programme and DfE to understand how the learning, knowledge and skills acquired through this activity has benefited the participant, and where relevant has been implemented within their setting.

Feedback will also enable us to consider future improvements, updates or potential redesign of this activity to help refine and improve our offer to the sector and enhance the learning experience of future participants. 

Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, SENCO, Senior Leader, Teacher

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