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Webinar: Is Ofsted a force for improving the education for all learners with SEND?

  • Webcasts
  • 29 Jun 2022
WSS past event
Universal Services

In this webinar, Malcolm Reeve shares practical tools and templates to help schools reflect on SEND as they prepare for an Ofsted inspection. The session includes an analysis of Ofsted inspection outcomes under the current framework from a SEND perspective, and considers whether this framework is improving the education for learners with SEND.  Angela Holdsworth MBE shares a Trust and school level perspective having engaged in 7 inspections of Trust schools under the current EIF.  

The objectives of this webinar are to help you to:

  • Provide practical tools and templates to support schools to develop a strategic approach to SEND provision in their setting. 
  • Reflect on the effect of Ofsted on improving the education for learners with SEND. 
  • Share experiences of schools who have recently been inspected by Ofsted under the current EIF. 

School leaders and other staff will understand how SEND provision is inspected under the current Ofsted framework and will be equipped with tools to develop leadership of SEND in their settings.

Please see a copy of the webinar slides and a discussion document below.

Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, SENCO, Senior Leader, Teacher

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